When it's done installing, go to the clean install's root folder, go to the "lang" folder, and select your language (e.g., en_US). Make a clean install of the game you're going to mod on your computer (I've not tested this on IWD or PST, but it should work with them also).
Copy dialog.tlk, PATCH26.BIF, and chitin.key to your computer by plugging the SD card in or using an FTP program. Also grab the file "PATCH26.BIF" from the "data" folder and the file "chitin.key" from the root. Select it and press A to extract a copy to your Switch. Inside that folder is a file called "dialog.tlk".
Navigate to the "lang" folder and select the language you'll be playing the game in for this tutorial, I'll be using American English, as seen here. Depending if you're modding BG1 or 2, select BGEE_SOD for BG1 or BGIIEE for BG2. With v131072 STILL selected, select "Browse RomFS section". On the following screen, scroll down to "Use update / DLC" and press RIGHT to select v131072 (if you have a later update, that's fine, just as long as you have v131072 or higher), as seen in this screenshot. Select "Dump SD card / eMMC content" and navigate to BG. Open NXDumpTool via the Homebrew Menu.
Download and install the homebrew NXDumpTool from here:.Your Switch must be hacked, you must have BGEE on PC, and your Switch copy of BG must be on the latest update.I've posted a list of my personal recommended mods in the comments below, if you're not sure where to start.