You will get the similarity report immediately after submission. You can check your paper yourself multiple times until the due date. e. article, book chapter, etc., you can check from the library as a part of research support. If your paper is written for publications i. Ask your supervisor/course teacher for the Class Enrollment Key and Class ID. Ii. In order to use ULAB Turnitin, you need to be enrolled in a course that requires a plagiarism check. A Turnitin account is not required to check the similarity of your paper through Google Docs.

For personal use, you can check from google docs> extension> Turnitin draft coach. To check from the library, please follow the instructions. Please submit your paper to the assignment in the turnitin class created by your course teacher. Turnitin web address: Follow the guidelines to check your paper with the ULAB Turnitin service. We encourage every student to check their paper from their own Turnitin account. It can be used in formative assessment to help users to avoid plagiarism and improve writing.

Turnitin is an internet-based plagiarism detection service that identifies similarities with existing sources from repositories, publications, and current & archived internet.